Forums / The hangaround / VU-Mon Part 2.

VU-Mon Part 2.
20:44:25 Jan 24th 07 - Mr. Rommel:

(In an effort to bring Swiffers back out for more of this, let's see how well I do..)

Hi! I'm Rommel, and I'm going to be a VU-mon master! I've caught a couple new VUmon and I'm certain I'm better than any other trainer out there! Take a look:



Armed with over 100 different kind of high-heeled shoes, Arien-mon enjoys either stomping on her opponents, or draining the cash-flow of any male VU-mon that manages to insnare.

This fiery redhead is easy to spot between her hair color and her general enjoyment of chatting. Though once caught, many trainers are tempted to trade immediately..


  • Heels deal superior damage (especially vs. male vu-mon's hips)
  • Can easilly bend most members of the opposite sex to her will.


  • Can hear her from a mile away (exhibitionists think it's a strength though)
  • Incessant chattering.
  • High-upkeep due to price of heels.



Fiercely loyal of all the VU-mon, Shahal-mon is truly a friend indeed when you're in need. As a squire-type VU-mon Shahal is good with tactics and with strength, however he is terribly underrated and underappreciated by those that don't realize his true worth. However, when people heed his words, their chances of survival increase drastically.


  • Loyal and Dependable
  • Has a mind for tactics and battles


  • Nobody listens to him.


Alright! I'm going to go out and catch more!

(And remember, all the pokes are in good fun. :-) )


08:29:54 Jan 26th 07 - Princess Arien:

Damn it Rommel!  You pegged me right away! ;) 


(Edited by Princess Arien 1/26/2007 8:32:37 AM)

22:58:06 Jan 26th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Oooh, Nailed on the head there for Arien.

23:00:09 Jan 26th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Well, at least no ones VU-Monned me yet... err... I did not say that... *hides from Rommel*

17:33:06 Jan 29th 07 - Mr. Rommel:

*pulls out his VU-mon ball*

I'm going to hunt me a Erunion-mon!

(I'll post more either today or tommorrow)

23:03:06 Jan 29th 07 - Sir Senturu:

lol. wonder what that looks like

18:20:16 Jan 30th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Noooooo! *Continues to hide*

20:06:21 Jan 30th 07 - Mr. Lecter:

hmm well i guess you are being hunted lord E... i wonder who could be next

04:56:29 Jan 31st 07 - Mr. Tunk:

This could be very interesting...

17:25:06 Feb 3rd 07 - Mr. I Love Dragon:

where is the Telcontar-mon then??

18:22:24 Feb 3rd 07 - Duke Efrandor:

It died..

It shall be missed, missed indeed..

Things like that happens...

18:41:25 Feb 3rd 07 - Lord Spoon:


18:56:33 Feb 3rd 07 - Mr. Bezza:

agh spoon u scrared me!

14:56:34 Feb 4th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Pikachu never dies for he shall always respawn to electricute any *beep*er who stands in his way. (Guess who I play in SSBM)

23:11:52 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Rommel:

(Rommel's been busy with real life and can barely make the token login, much less do alot of posting. I'll be back asap.)

23:13:16 Feb 6th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

*Remains in hiding*

23:14:14 Feb 6th 07 - Lord Mielo:

Great ^^ ... try capturing the efromongian ... now in j'ugly city catch'able

23:14:22 Feb 6th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

Rommel got a new girlfriend, Rommel got a new girlfriend, Rommel got a new girlfriend, Rommel got a new girlfriend, Rommel got a new girlfriend, Rommel got a new girlfriend, Rommel got a new girlfriend...  ^^

23:17:04 Feb 6th 07 - Lord Mielo:

see what I mean ... we must capture this annoying Eframongian ...

16:45:49 Feb 7th 07 - Mr. Rommel:

Hi! Rommel again, and now that I'm back in my office (where I have a nice door that I can lock and people can leave me alone), I've decided to show off a few more catches from my VU-mon collection. I must say, these are some frequently sighted VU-mon, but people have never bothered to catch 'em. I'm starting to figure out why...

Let's start with the leader of this group!


This VU-mon is showing up on almost every thread possible yet almost never contributes anything beneficial to the thread's topic. Many dedicated VU-mon researchers have been trying to figure out just how this VU-mon does it. Whether it has the ability to clone himself, or has found a way to control time to allow it to spread.


- Omnipresence (or pretty darn close)

- Quick typing speed.


- Cannot stand up to logic vs. his posts.

- Inability to stay hidden.


I also caught another one here recently and I hadn't seen it before until now. Look!


(The 1337 VU-mon)

#4\/1/\/6 47741/\/3> /\/\4> 5|<1|_|_5 5|_|<# 45 <09`/1/\/6 4/\/> 94571/\/6, 7#15 \/|_|-/\/\0/\/ #45 7/>|_||_`/ <0/\/\3 1/\/70 7#3 9/>1/\/\3 0|= 7#3 <0/\/\9|_|73/> 463. #4\/1/\/6 />3<3/\/7|_`/ _|01/\/3> 7#3 />4/\/|<5 0|= 7#3 594/\/\/\/\3/> \/|_|-/\/\0/\/ |_1|<3 3/>|_|/\/10/\/-/\/\0/\/, 3|=/>4/\/>0/>-/\/\0/\/ /\/\|_|57 <0/\/\3 |_|9 \/\/17# 3471\/3 \/\/4`/5 0|= 59/>34>1/\/6 #15 594/\/\ 4/>0|_|/\/>. |_|/\/|=0/>7|_|/\/473|_`/ #3 _||_|57 >035/\/'7 #4\/3 7#3 481|_17`/ 70 637 4/>0|_|/\/> |_1|<3 3/>|_|/\/10/\/-/\/\0/\/ 50 #3 /\/\|_|57 3473 50/\/\3 0|= 7#3 \/\/0/>57 594/\/\ 90575 7#15 \/|_|-/\/\0/\/ #|_|/\/73/> #45 533/\/ 70 >473. #0\/\/3\/3/>, >|_|3 70 93/>51573/\/<3, 7#15 \/|_|-/\/\0/\/ 9/>0848|_`/ #45 4 8/>16#7 |=|_|7|_|/>3 4#34> 0|= #1/\/\.


- 481|_17`/ 70 <09`/ 4/\/> 94573

- 481|_17`/ 70 637 07#3/>5 70 |=0|_|_0\/\/ #1/\/\.

\/\/34| 0|= 4 594/\/\/\/\3/> 45 3/>|_|/\/10/\/-/\/\0/\/.

- #3'5 1337.

(Kudos to those that can translate!)

More VU-mon will be caught later!

19:06:45 Feb 7th 07 - Sir Mac:

Lol. Erunion Mon sounds just like him :P

Keep them up Rommel ;)

23:15:51 Feb 7th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

But I want to know what it says!!

21:18:21 Feb 15th 07 - Sir Mac:

Keep em coming m8.

22:15:52 Feb 15th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

Having attained mad skills such as copying and pasting, this vu-mon has truly come into the time of the computer age. having recently joined the ranks of the spammed vu-mon like erunion-mon, efrandor-mon must come up with creative ways of spreading his spam around. unfortunately he just doesn't have the ability to get around like erunion-mon so he must eat some of the worst spam posts this vu-mon hunter has seen to date. however, due to persistence, this vu-mon probably has a bright future ahead of him.


- ability to cogy and paste

- ability to get others to follow him.

weai of a spammed as erunion-mon.

- he's leet
(Edited by Mr. Lelouch 2/15/2007 10:16:19 PM)

23:06:42 Feb 15th 07 - Mr. Archibald Trotter:

Okay, okay, you're slaughtering my beautiful idea for a thread! ;)

*Rolls back sleeves*

Introducing, TEAM LGC (and it's members)

Mr. Binh-mon


2/15/2007 10:18:51 PM


Binh-mon is a mighty mathmetician. His favourite pastimes involve reciting PI to 500 decimal places, solving trig problems and having his a$$ beat down by the other, more manly VU-Mons. Binh-mon can be a deadly foe, albeit if his opponent is a paraplegic.


+ You know C3P0? Yeah, he's like him. Just not as cool.
+ He's a mini-calculator.


- Tires easily when being chased by stronger VU-Mons who are after his lunch money.
- Must carry his inhaler at all times!
- Swiffers-mon likes picking on him for obvious reasons.

Mr. Sezymon-mon

2/15/2007 10:18:51 PM


Oh, isn't Sezymon-mon a cutie? Don't be fooled though! This little nipper isn't all that he seems, yes, he. Although Sezymon-mon is of the male gender, he has a deep, dark secret. He likes girly music. That's right, girly music. While most would run around screaming at the sound of Westlife, or the Pussycat dolls, Sezymon-mon does not. Sezymon-mon would much rather sing along, in a high-pitched squeal, than to bludgeon himself to death, as any other self respecting male would do.


+ Is able to tolerate the most unbearable of sounds.


- You know Richard Simmons? Yeah, he's like him. Just not as cool.
- With Ez, uses similiar techniques to Banehallow, in order to infect others with his poor music taste.
- He's Norweigian.
- Doesn't understand the importance of locking girls under staircases.
- Swiffers-mon doesn't like this VU-Mon much, either.

Mr. Quietone-mon

2/15/2007 10:18:51 PM


Quietone-mon is a perculier VU-Mon from TEAM LGC. Of all the members, she's genuinely a female. As such, she's a matter of intrigue, ridicule, and fantasy for the rest of the team. While she may be the only girl (or at least, female that was born so) in the team, she has acquired some rather poor habits. She has a tendency to do the nasty stuff in her bed, much to the annoyance of Cobra-mon, our resident washer-woman. She also has an on-off relationship with Devi-mon, where they engage in sordid, phone secks sessions.


+ SHE'S GOT GIRLY PARTS!!!1 (or so Devi says)
+ Refer to previous point.
+ She's quiet. A fine quality all woman should possess.
+ 90% of the TEAM LGC channel topics are largely based upon her quips.
+ Often parades around in skimpy outfits, bikinis, or nothing at all.


- Is Texan
- Poor hygiene.
- The "time of the month" episode doesn't exist with her. It's nore reguarily the "time of the day".

(More to come if I can be bothered)

(Edited by Mr. Archibald Trotter 2/15/2007 11:07:44 PM)

23:10:50 Feb 15th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:


08:05:40 Feb 16th 07 - Sir Senturu:

the last one is awesome roflmao

20:18:05 Feb 16th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:



At least Efrandor-mon doesn't match Erunion-mon!

20:35:12 Feb 16th 07 - Sir Mac:

Keep um coming:)

(Edited by Sir Mac 2/16/2007 8:37:16 PM)

04:23:53 Feb 20th 07 - Mr. I Love Dragon:

More please!!!!!!!!!!

05:41:14 Feb 20th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Yeah, those are pretty much Amazing.....

16:33:05 Feb 20th 07 - Mr. Rommel:

Finally! The Swiffers returns to the VU-mon field. Guess that means I'm going to have to catch some more VU-mon to keep up.

08:24:24 Feb 21st 07 - Mr. I Love Dragon:


17:58:25 Feb 21st 07 - Mr. Rommel:

Well then all you VU-mon followers! My rival, Swiffers, has brought about the dreaded Team Lgc VU-mon. However, I know of the perfect rivals for them that's hellbent to pwn them (err... us since I'm in there) all!


The No-life VU-mon

How can you kill that which has no life? Well, many dedicated VU-mon researchers are trying to figure out that question, but in the meantime Auspice-mon can be the titanic thorn in your side in any VU-mon battle. Starting out with a loud roar and having achieved a level in which he knows the game exploits and is undelete-able by Admins (theoretically by 'grinding' in lower levels like Starta or Nirvana). However, whenever Auspice-mon has been outwitted, or foiled in his grand plans, real life always comes to the rescue and he disappears out of the reach of his prospective conquerers.


- The Sword of 1000 Truths doesn't exist in VU.

- Can actively stalk the stone market at least 18 hours a day.

- Has enough charisma to rally active feeders/cannonfodder to keep him alive while trying to execute his schemes.

- Fool-proof escape systems which enables him to avoid the death that he sees coming.


- Can be beaten up by VU-mon that have lives and are in good shape.

- Wimps out whenever things don't go his way.

- Must consume a large number of true new players to keep his ego and self-esteem up.


(More to come in a bit in the Vendetta-mon expansion pack)



(Edited by Mr. Rommel 2/21/2007 5:59:22 PM)

19:04:38 Feb 21st 07 - Sir Senturu:

Rommel thats awesome. lmao.

20:09:50 Feb 21st 07 - Mr. Archibald Trotter:

So that's how it is, huh?

*Tosses his VU-Mon ball into the air*

*Whips out his VU-Mondex, points it at the VU-Mon*

Mr. Devi-mon

2/15/2007 10:18:51 PM


If you've ever seen a giant, blubbery oaf rolling down the street in hot pursuit of a ice cream van and aren't quite sure what it is, chances are it was Devi-mon. This bulging buffoon hasn't seen his ballsacks in 3 whole years, presuming they've still survived under his immense weight. He likes to think of himself as a bit of a ladies man, and aside regularly phoning Quietone-mon, he is infatuated with Arien-mon, chatting her up in his co*beep* Scottish accent. What he doesn't know is that she has a penis and her real name is Herbert Perrywinkle.


+ Many a man has suffocated between his lardaceous ass-cheeks
+ Did he just eat that?
+ As agile as a ballerina.
+ Most men lift weights, and fight in boxing rings. Devi-mon is different. Devi-mon eats pie and sits on them.


- He used to call his penor Bartholomew the Adjustable Pendulous Penis, for heavens sake.
- Easily distracted by the sight of food.
- It is impossible, I repeat, impossible to locate his nether-regions, making a low-blow intangible as a last resort.
- If you're a woman, or even a man that looks like a woman, he will come onto you.

03:29:14 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Devi:

First things first: WHERE'S YOUR *beep*TER? I've got a turtle-head poking out. ... I'm not kiddin'. I've got a crap on deck that could choke a donkey. Aww, it's SQUIDGY. Christ, I'm gettin' all emotional from it, ya know?

Of course I'm not happy. Look at me, I'm a big fat slob. I've got bigger titties than you do. I've got more chins than a Chinese phonebook. I've not seen my willie in two years, which is long enough to declare it legally dead.

Mistere English Kerenel, tryin ta tell me ta lose weight. Well, let me tell ya somethin, Sonny. I ate a baby! Oh yeah, BABY: the other OTHER white meat! Baby: it's what's for Deener!"

I'm Dead Sexy. You Are Crap.

05:39:43 Feb 22nd 07 - Sir Senturu:

archi your VU-mondex is behind. it dosent know that devi-mon loves to talk. especially about what he ate. :)

16:14:48 Feb 22nd 07 - Sir Mac:

Those are awesome, Rommel and Arch. Keep um up :)

16:35:29 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Rommel:

*After his VU-mondex finishes scanning Devi*

Hmm, a Devi-mon eh? I think even Auspice-mon will need some help against that, so I choose you!


The Gangsta VU-mon

Yet another mystery to the VU-mon researchers, Method-mon likes to roll with his boy, Auspice-mon (even considering the fact Auspice-mon has no life.). Using his gangsta tactics, Method-mon likes to strongarm those that dare speak ill about his homies. Like a white rapper trying to do freestyle (with the possible exception of Eminem), Method-mon rolls into a thread trying to do 'drive-bys' with his wit in threads. Just like Drive-bys though, the people in the threads will either receive a casualty for those caught ill-prepared, a wound, or it will just miss them at all, making Method-mon ineffective.

Like Auspice-mon, Method-mon's gangsta tactics allow him to come out and talk smack, do a short-lived attack and then run away from retaliation. Perhaps the reason why these two VU-mon make a great combo.


- Loves to 'represent'.

- Rarely seen, unless he's setting up for a 'drive-by' attack.

- Freestyle 'wit' allows him to come up with new and interesting reasons as to why his gang is disbanding.


- Questionable taste in friends.

- Is weak in a toe-to-toe fight, especially against real 'gangstas' (see: Mafia)

- Drive by attacks cause little damage.

(Edited by Mr. Rommel 2/22/2007 4:36:01 PM)

19:23:48 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Archibald Trotter:

I know of the perfect counter to a Method-mon. :)))))

*Tosses a VU-Mon ball in the air*

I choose you!

Mr. Roxbury-mon

2/15/2007 10:18:51 PM


This watery tart spends most of his meaningless existence withering away in apathy. Living in his parents basement, he often contemplates the futility and harshness of life, neglecting the fact that he has a weekly allowance, he doesn't do his own washing, and he has unlimited high-speed internet access. Roxbury-mon isn't so much a dangerous opponent, but one should be careful when engaging in arguments with him. A favoured tactic of his is to flip his long, girly hair back, place his hands on his hips and to scold you in an improvised camp American accent. Failing that, he will cry. A lot.


+ Any man with pride wouldn't allow himself to pose so queerly infront of a camera. Does that make Roxbury-mon a transvestite?
+ Long nails for scratching.
+ Can camoflauge easily against snow with pale complexion.


- Limp wristed.
- Angsty.
- His best friend is a tree.
- Ridiculous hairstyle.
- When crying, his mascara smears.

19:59:56 Feb 22nd 07 - General Ezatious:

haha poor rox

21:51:40 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Rommel:

(Shush Ez, before you become a target!)

Dammit, I'm running out of halfway decent Vendetta-mon.

Alright Swifty, if you want to play rough, I'll just have to bring out... *fumbles around his VU-mon ball holding belt*.. you! *throws the ball and a VU-mon pops out*


The Lackey VU-mon

Of all the stealthy Vendetta-mon, Sloth-mon is definately not a mystery at all. This little VU-mon doesn't bother showing himself except to either A: Add on to someone else's quip (trying to add a bit of insult to an injury), or B: Let his mouth write a check that someone else is going to have to cash. Either way, what would otherwise be an annoyance can add up to be a great deal if Sloth-mon can find a group of people to hide him from stronger threats.


- Has a mouth about as big as Devi-mon's. However, it is not used for the consumption of babies, just for making noise.

- Should've received an End of Era award for adding in his unnecessary two cents. (I ought to make a category just for that)

- Can round up a group of bigger and stronger VU-mon.


- Physically weak, even Binh-mon can take him down.

- Has no original thoughts or ideas, must rely on the bigger, tougher VU-mon to make 'em. (Think of someone who goes 'Me Too!' on America Off Line)

*considers Sloth-mon for a moment*

Hmm, I think I'm going to need a bit more than this.

*fumbles around on his belt only to discover...*

Dammit! The rest of my Vendetta-mon have disappeared. I'm going to have to go catch some more real fast.


21:58:44 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Rommel:

(Bleh, I had a picture of the Magic Card, 'Goblin Lackey' there if anyone's bored and wants to find it)

22:39:49 Feb 22nd 07 - Sir Senturu:

this is turning into a real VU-mon battle :)

18:24:13 Feb 23rd 07 - Mr. Archibald Trotter:

Gonna have to pull out my trump-card now..

Mr. Banehallow-mon

2/15/2007 10:18:51 PM


This VU-Mon tends to surf teenage-designated chat rooms using the handle "SexyGuy19", in search of young little boys. While he isn't so much interested in fighting, or most things for that matter, what he does possess is a deep fascination for what undergarments you're wearing. Banehallow-mon has possibly the worst taste of music of any in TEAM-LGC (yes, even ahead of Sezymon-mon), and as such he's never approached by other members without them securely wearing earplugs. His best friends are Swiffers-mon (equally as Mighty), Chief Wiggum (Krum-mon) and Patrick-mon, the weedy, pug-nosed Scottish brat.


+ Ich Bin Berliner!
+ Uses his awful music as an advantage, causing his enemies to haemorrhage.
+ Bratwurst, very good in tummy, ja!


- Nobody dares to accept mp3 files from him.
- Ridiculous accent.
- His brother is also his neighbours second removed cousins cow.

18:38:17 Feb 23rd 07 - General Ezatious:

lmao the mighty banehallow!!! legend

18:57:00 Feb 23rd 07 - Sir Rommel:

Good Lord Swiffers! Where'd you pull that VU-mon from?!

*tries to shield his eyes as he scrambles to think.... 'Must find sexxi VU-mon', then a stroke of inspiration hits.*


The Sexxi Brit VU-mon

For those whose expense account just can't afford an Arien-mon, or just don't want to go out to Texas to try to hunt a Quietone-mon (or can't deal with the time of day issues), you just can't go wrong with a Spooky-mon. Luring many of the young men of the States with European appeal and English accent, Spooky-mon is always a breath of fresh air and reason whenever she speaks. Unfortunately, when she does speak many of the male members of the VU-mon community aren't paying attention to what she says, they're just studying her assets. Thus her greatest advantage can sometime turn into a weakness.


- Has real girly parts!

- See above if you haven't got the hint.

- Perfect spelling and grammar.

- Always something has intellegent to say, with few exceptions. (See court cases vs. Spooky-mon and Arien-mon)


- Not taken seriously by most male VU-mon due to 'sexxi object' status.

- Has a tendency to encounter multi-users at least once in every era.

Ah, much better. Now I don't feel the need to claw my eyes out..


19:49:23 Feb 23rd 07 - Sir Senturu:


21:48:11 Feb 23rd 07 - Mr. Andrei:

I can't see that last pic :(

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